Listening to the Musn'ts
It's no wonder one of Jooge's earliest uttered phrases was, "Fareful, Guys." We were walking down the cement enclosed steps of our apartment and she was urging us to be careful just as we'd urged her to be a million times. I think I must still dole out carefuls every five minutes to her in reference to some of the following situations: when she's standing on chairs, close to the road, picking those berries in the yard that are poisonous, or jumping onto mommy when she's not looking. I could go on....
Numero two came along and she was WAY busier and WAY more into things but I know that I don't warn her as much. Sometimes when I do, Jooge will interject, reminding me "Baby's just exploring." Avery just gets to take more risks. Her actions aren't met with as much fear because someone already paved the way for her, and paved it pretty safely because her parents were always waggling a finger at her actions. All in all, I think Jooge was and is kept on a tighter leash. It sucks that you can't parent more equally.
I can only imagine our response to a third kid. "Where's that one?" "Oh, just backing the car out of the garage." "Oh, okay, cool."
Numero two came along and she was WAY busier and WAY more into things but I know that I don't warn her as much. Sometimes when I do, Jooge will interject, reminding me "Baby's just exploring." Avery just gets to take more risks. Her actions aren't met with as much fear because someone already paved the way for her, and paved it pretty safely because her parents were always waggling a finger at her actions. All in all, I think Jooge was and is kept on a tighter leash. It sucks that you can't parent more equally.
I can only imagine our response to a third kid. "Where's that one?" "Oh, just backing the car out of the garage." "Oh, okay, cool."