Santa Drives a Chevy

This sight is what greeted us at our favorite Christmas tree farm a few weeks ago. When I saw him I busted out the camera and thankfully, he obliged. Now that I look at the picture more closely and notice his rather unkindly facial expression, I guess I was lucky to get this moment captured on film without clear view of his middle finger. I just couldn't help myself. This was SANTA after all, the giver of gifts and granter of wishes and I really really wanted to capture him arriving for duty in his Chevy brand sleigh.

Were we able to snap any pictures of the darling girls with Santa? That would be a big fat NO. Neither child would be caught within feet of his authentically curled white beard. Jooge stood back at least 20 feet and muttered, "I'm going to think about it,"never getting to tell Santa about the snow globe she wants (that would be of the air-filled lawn variety) nor retrieving her complimentary candy cane. (Mommy the enabler did this for her). Avery came a little closer because my husband and I were kneeling next to Santa trying (trying!!) to coax the un-coaxable. But that was about it for visiting the Chevy driver dressed in red. My girls? Totally more interested in feeding the goats.
