Storytime Saturday Finds
I Feel a Foot is one of those picture books you read, close and then say, "That was a great book." I think I picked it out at the library for the same reason I pick many books, the illustrations. They're colorful and sort of batik-y and collage-y all at once. The story is about five friends who try to figure out what kind of creature is making noises in the nearby field. Each friend explores the aspect of the creature most like itself. For example, the turtle, upon examining the creature, sees its' foot, and thinks the foot is just like his foot, so he thinks the creature is a huge big turtle. The bat, upon examining the creature, feels a part of the animal that reminds her of her wings, so she deduces that the creature is a "superduper big bat." The conclusion each friend makes come together to surprise them with what the creature actually is. The book also ends on a note that suggests a sequel, which is a wonderful way to end a loved book because it means another loved book in the future! You need to check this book out. It's wonderful.
Boris and the Snoozebox is done in collage, which is reminiscent of Lauren Child's illustrations in the Charlie and Lola series. For example, one character's bun is created out of a photo of a ball of yarn. Boris the cat belongs to nobody, and makes a cozy nest for himself in a box, nicknamed, the Snoozebox. Boris gets mailed to lots of places, none of which want Boris. That hurts Boris' feelings immensely, but the conclusion of this book will satisfy the audiences desire for Boris to be engulfed in a large embrace. For fun illustrations and a sweet story, find this book and read it to your little people.
I do remember Who's the Beast because I believe you bought me a copy and I have it tucked away in all of the books I had in my classroom. Keith Baker had done a few neat stories that were made into board books, too, that we've enjoyed. Thanks for reminding me!