Happy Birthday To Me!

Friday I turned 34! Had a good day. Here are the highlights:

My husband surprised me and brought me an iced coffee and scone for breakfast.

I bought myself gladiolas-beautiful.

Taking the girls into the city for adventures.

Ran into a lady at Trader Joes whose birthday it was also. I knew this because she was chatting with some guy near the entrance about how it was her birthday but it was pretty crappy so far, and he announced to the store, "It's her birthday today!"
I went up to her and said, "Maam, is it your birthday today? It's mine too! Happy birthday!" We conversed right there in the middle of the snack food aisle and left one another a little lighter and smiling.

Treated the girls and I to several Saint Cupcake mini dots.

Got an e-card from Adrienne, cards from Donna, my mom, my husband, Meagan, Fiona, and my in-laws. Got calls from my mom, Ry, Fiona, Uncle Paul and Sara...

A date night with dinner at Salvador Molly's

Surprises left on the back porch from Aunt Marisue

Presents, glorious presents........all which were stupendous. Like...... ipod speakers, a cupcake cookbook and pan, some cool new additions to my polish pottery,
a vintage set of Whitman Old Maid cards (see above)that I had when I was a kid, napoleon dynomite mad libs, a $50 gift card to Urban Outfitters, an anklet, a CD. People were very kind to me.

My husband made me a birthday cake.

I ended the night with some episodes of The Office that were totally rich.

For the first time in a very long time I just let it all be, without expectations and therefore unrealized hopes. And the day was wonderful.
