Pre School Here We Come!

We are sooooo ready for preschool.

Tomorrow will be the first official day, the day when Julia gets to go it alone.

Tuesday we went and had our first introduction to the classroom with half of the kids, each accompanied by their parents. The first hour and a half is spent having free choice time. We spent lots of time with the playdough. There were sticks and beads and tools and the playdough looked like cookie dough so though you probably subconsciously wanted to eat it, handling its vanilla texture was enough.

I'm so thrilled we ended up at this school, it is a perfect fit. There are hidden treasures around every corner and the kids have access to EVERYTHING! It's all set up for them, like when they have snack THEY get to pick what they want, and how much, and then THEY get to POUR THEIR OWN DRINKS. It's not like a snack free-for-all, there's plenty of adult support and guidance, but what bliss for Jooge! After seeing this I was ready to head down to the Tupperware KIOSK for our own mini spill-proof pitchers. Brilliant.

Her teacher is a genius. Twenty years of early childhood genius resides in her soul and I get to be her assistant and glean wisdom from her. Of course making new friends with her fellow classmates will be rich too. She's already made friends with one of the boys in her class through the park visits this summer and they are quite a pair.

Did I mention we are SOOOO ready for preschool?
