Do I hear $40, Can I get $50?

Tonight was the auction for Jooge's school. We shelled out a little cashola on stuff like a Saturday cooking class taught by a preschool friend and mom, a photo calendar, four ballet classes at a local "DANCE CONSERVATORY" (said with jaw raised and tight), and this cool big magnetic white board with each of her classmates photos made into little magnetic models and stuck to it. SAWEET!

I'd never been to an auction before but it was quite the adventure. The silent auction was fun. I bid $44 on THE BEST, THE CUTEST hand-knit poncho/skirt combo that looked like Hannah Andersson herself had popped it on the table,and it went for $45 and then I bid $20 on a $50 Gymboree gift certificate that went for $21. (Am I cursed with being timid? Uh, yeah)! One of the coolest offerings was having the teacher come to your kid's house and read them a bedtime story with a message from her inscribed inside. It went for $250!

I was pretty p.o.ed because the doll I made was shoved in a celophane wrapped collection of crap toys. THE NERVE. I understand the logic behind grouping like things together but with homemade stuff it should either ALL be homemade or the homemade stuff should be solo. My husband was ranting about it in line with two women who luckily didn't turn out to be responsible. It was sweet and loyal. Thanks, hon.
