Soccer Mom

We had our first soccer experience in the form of a week-long soccer camp this summer. Every morning we would walk to the soccer field, me pushing Avery and her pile of toys in the Burley and Jooge riding her bike alongside. After a few drills and water breaks, everyone put on a penny and ran hither and yon chasing the ball. She gave it her all and seemed to enjoy it, but didn't want to "do any more soccer" after it was over.

Avery was in Pee Wee Soccer for a day. I signed her up for a four session class thinking, "Why not? Let's encourage the soccer spirit for everyone in our house." I watched her weave through the cones and chase her ball. Pretty soon she turned to me with a look, a look that meant, "I'm going to start crying now." There was NO getting her back out there. Believe me I really tried.

It looks like for now I'm no soccer mom. Maybe next year.
