My husband and I had the BEST getaway last weekend to Fort Stevens and the Long Beach Penninsula. We both came home wearing big grins.

Fort Stevens was a great place to camp and we plan to get back there and do lots of biking as there are 7 miles of trails extending all over the park. We visited the jetty and stood at Oregon's northern most point, nearly getting attacked by a squawking tern. We were wowed by huge pelicans flying overhead.

On the Long Beach penninsula, we explored Ledbetter State Park, a remote and beautiful stretch of beach and bay that took our breath away. And if you're looking for a place to find WHOLE sand dollars, Ledbetter's beach is the place. I could not believe how many there were. We ate scrumptious seafood, tasty ice cream, and I spent some time at the beach in my new portable hammock. We also saw the new Batman movie. It was very good.

Weekends like that are restorative and essential, good for the soul of our relationship. Thanks hon for a great weekend. Remember?
