What Were You Doing September 11, 2001?

I woke up with a start from a dream at 5:46 am that something had happened to my brother. My youngest brother Andy had just moved to Weehawken, across the river from New York City in New Jersey. I was teaching third grade at the time, commuting to school in my ole 89 Volvo Wagon when I heard the news and went, "WHAT?" I was in a panic that something indeed HAD happened to my brother, and I was in a real twit all morning at school because I hadn't heard from him to know he was safe. Finally I did get a call from him and he was okay. What a relief. I ended up doing a penny drive that year in my classroom and we made about $40 that we sent off to the children of firefighters that had lost their lives. I went and visited Andy in December over Christmas break and saw the site of the Twin Towers and all the letters and pictures and memorials. It was such an eerie time, and so many people were hugely impacted by that day but thankfully, and despite my ominous dream, my brother was safe.
