Happy Birthday to My Baby!

Well, she went and did it. Avery turned FIVE!

To commemorate her birthday at preschool, Avery decorated her birthday crown and got lifted into the air five times to celebrate her new age as the class sang. Good times!

On her actual birthday, April 11th, we had a grand day. Julia had the brilliant idea that for her gift to her sister she would make her a special surprise birthday, complete with a huge bag of M&Ms. It was the sweetest thing to witness, both her preparing her sister's meal (she's been big on doing things herself in the kitchen these days) and then the joy on both their faces as the meal/M&Ms were revealed.

We took the Max to the zoo. Would you believe we've never taken the Max anywhere as a family? It was a great adventure, one we're sold on, and must do again soon.

At the zoo we had some sunshine and ate a picnic lunch. One elephant gave us quite a show with his hour long pee and then the ones outside were, as Julia said, "Dancing." The new exhibit with the lions is very cool. All in all a nice afternoon.

Later we did a family party with presents, pizza and cake. To end the night, a special guest came and read the girls their bedtime stories..... It's teacher Penny!This bedtime story was a special privledge we'd purchased at the preschool auction this year that we decided to cash in on on Avery's birthday, though it was really for both girls. It was a fun surprise and way to end the day!

The UN-FUN stuff about turning five are things like shots and such, which happened today (PHEW!OVER!) She was so different than her sister. There was no flinching or physical resistence, just serious tears of agony. Did I mention I'm glad those are OVER? Though definitely not as glad as she is, I'm certain.
Okay five, here we go!


toddderrick said…
Amazing. Both in time passed and time enjoyed.
Happy Birthday, Avery!