Roller Rink Richness

Julia's friend Wynne had her birthday party at Skate World recently and I was SO EXCITED to take the girls roller skating for their first time!

One foot inside a skating rink and you are immediately transformed back in time. You remember the smell, the carpeted walls, the satisfying thump of good music, the breeze as you round the rink.

The girls did GREAT! I was so proud of the way they both went into it willingly, ready to try something new. Julia fell SO MANY TIMES-her method of walk-skating had her pretty flustered and even teary-eyed. At one point I left Avery clinging to the ledge, where she preferred to totter along at her own careful speed, (resulting in very few falls) to go out and work with Julia. We'd been told to keep our arms at our sides and shuffle our skates forward and backward "like penguins." This technique definitely helped Julia. It felt so good to be there for her and see her improve. She really did, too!

Watching my precious daughters stumble along and persevere, in the shadow of older, more savvy skaters somehow gave me a teeny taste of the teenagers hiding deep down inside them that will one day embark upon such adventures with less innocence.

One trip to any roller rink and the kids they are now will not belie what's to come.


Anonymous said…
I remember a trip to SkateWorld that was priceless. Do you? That was in the non-digital era so the only picutre is in my mind. It is rich! ~m