Snow Day

The kids have a snow day today as it seems the whole Pacific Northwest was hit with a dusting of snow last night. This morning when my alarm went off, I reluctantly climbed out of bed and checked to see if there was school then crawled back into bed after reading an e-mail entitled School Cancelled. Nobody needed to be awakened. We all got to sleep longer.

When the girls woke up we lay in bed reading Those Happy Golden Years. We only have two more chapters to go. Then per Avery's request I retrieved some snow from the yard to mix with sugar and milk. There was lots of toast for breakfast, some pitcures of the snow, then the girls occupied themselves playing quietly and I caught up with Soule Mama's inspiring Blog. Her Maine family recently became first-time homeowners and reading the chronicles of their experience inspired me.

Even though this was slated to be a short week because of the holiday, it's nice to have a day, just a day of rest, all because of the snow. Thanks snow!
