Habit Trackers

One of my favorite podcasts is Primal Potential. I've learned SO MUCH listening to it, but I believe Elizabeth was central in teaching me the importance of using small habits to make big changes over time. Building small habits using a habit tracker has really been transformational for me.  

The habit tracker I like (pictured above) was created by Sean McCabe. I love its' design. His trackers focus in on five habits each month.  This month, for example, I'm tracking  writing daily, doing something to nurture myself, and meditation, plus two other habits.   

 For me, I am not super militant and obsessive about getting every habit done every day, which allows my habit happening to fluctuate. It's interesting to look at patterns, too, like the weekends are typically times when I get all the habits done. It's super rare for me to do NOTHING ( I usually do at least three). Some days I don't even care if I get more than one done. Elizabeth quotes James Clear as saying, "Don't miss twice." Each new day comes and brings with it a chance to do more.  

I've built lots of habits over time, things like making my bed every day, writing down three things I'm thankful for, getting in at least 10,000 steps, not to mention just plain tracking habits.  Accomplishing my habits is satisfying and I've noticed lately that between the "retired habits" I'm still doing every day and the ones on my tracker, there's not as much room in my day for negative habits.  I'm motivated and committed to work on them each day, like a promise to myself. Showing up for yourself is huge. It's a confidence-builder to see that you can do the thing you wanted to do and to keep your mind on what you're doing, not what you're NOT doing.  

Make a list of things you want to try to do more often in your life. That's where I started. Pick a few things that would be easy to accomplish, it helps grease the wheels in the beginning to have something to feel successful about. During an interesting time in our world's history, focusing in on small things you want to change in your life can be a hopeful act. If those accomplishments have an impact on your mind, who knows what the ripple effect will eventually be in the world. 

