The Pattern Gals

I fought joining Pinterest forever. I was worried about it being a time suck; I was already consuming too much social media. 

Then, maybe because of the pandemic, I jumped in, giving me a nice break from Facebook and its' exhausting and divisive political commentary.

It's been fun to collect and categorize ideas and images, everything from inspirational quotes to school ideas to sweet spaces in houses, vacation destinations, memories from childhood and fun mugs. 

On my Pinterest page, one board features vintage 70's sewing patterns covers. I LOVE the art on them and especially the gals the pattern illustrators drew. I loved and revered them enough to try to search for one I could use a doppleganger on my Facebook page. I haven't found her yet. 
This one, maybe if I had bangs...
I researched one of the illustrators, Karen Winslow. I'm not sure if any of these gals was drawn by her, but her style makes me wonder if they might be hers. Good stuff.

I'm one of those people who's always comparing people and saying, "She reminds me of".....So of course, looking at the pattern gals, I am reminded of people....
This one could be my own girls back in the day....

This one reminds me of one of the sisters (Nancy?)on Eight is Enough

A young Drew Barrymore

Demi from Bachelor with a saucy bob

Dani Shapiro, the writer

